Planting a Church in a Pandemic …
npucadmin2022-05-19T10:05:00-07:00Planting a Church in a Pandemic
Planting a Church in a Pandemic
There is nothing you can do that will separate you from the love of God. If we make it primarily about what we must do, we lose the primacy of what God has done. Amazing grace isn't so amazing if ultimately, we have to work for it.
Camp meetings are fast approaching in the Northwest. Not only are camp meetings a time for fellowship, but more importantly they provide a time to connect deeper with Christ and reflect on the hope and wholeness of His love, sacrifice and soon ret...
Follow the daily reading plan and you will read the entire Bible in a year.
Washington Conference is pleased to introduce Ron Jacaban as its new associate superintendent for schools. Jacaban is a seasoned education leader and well-respected principal from Puget Sound Adventist Academy in Kirkland, Washington.
WWU has selected two new vice presidents who will serve as senior officers. Dr. Pamela Keele Cress will serve as vice president for academic administration, and Dr. Prakash Ramoutar has been named vice president for financial administration.
Can I make a difference in my church? It's a question many are asking right now. With our General Conference session just around the corner, now is a great time to dig in and discover how the Adventist Church works and how you can effect change.
Pathfinders clubs have been around for just about 70 years. Why are they important and how can they grow your church? Find out from five Northwest Pathfinder influencers.
Pathfinder teams from across North America and the world gathered in person and remotely April 22-23, 2022 for the Pathfinder Bible Experience division finals. This was the first in person division Pathfinder event since the COVID-19 pandemic.
Pathfinder teams from across North America and the world gathered in person and remotely April 22-23, 2022 for the Pathfinder Bible Experience division finals. This was the first in-person division Pathfinder event held since the COVID-19 pandemic...