Supporting our Next Generation of Leaders

Join a partnership that offers tuition for future pastors and teachers.
New hope for church and school ministries is springing up in our region, thanks to the innovative investment in theology and education majors who choose to attend Walla Walla University.
NPUC and WWU launched the forward-thinking NextGen Scholarship to develop more pastors and teachers. The scholarship is planting seeds that will bear fruit as students finish their education and find their callings to ministry here in the Northwest.
Combining funding from a variety of NPUC and WWU sources to cover full tuition for qualified theology and education majors, the scholarship has proven successful in attracting more students to study in these areas. The scholarship is so successful, in fact, the number of candidates now exceeds the available funding.
The NextGen Scholarship perfectly reflects NPUC’s priorities of engaging young adults, advancing education and cultivating excellence in leadership. NPUC hopes to fund many more scholarships moving forward by partnering with members across the Northwest who have a passion for investing in the future leaders of our church.
There is a waiting list of future pastors and teachers hoping to enroll at WWU.
“I don’t know where God is taking me. It may be member-care pastorship, crisis chaplaincy or even opening up my own pregnancy resource non-profit. Whatever it may be, I know God isn’t calling me to know exactly where I will be, but to trust Him, knowing that He knows exactly where He is leading me.”
“I am the first Seventh-day Adventist in my family. I met Jesus through a teacher at an English-language institute. If he had never talked about God or given me The Great Controversy, I definitely wouldn’t be here. I want to serve the Lord by being a teacher.”
“I strongly believe that God had this plan for me since the beginning, and He let me experience things that He knew would benefit me in this career. What is my calling after college? I’m not sure, but I have a feeling it has to do with summer camps or academies. God knows I have a strong passion for these two areas, and He knows that I would love to bring youth to Him. The same way my mentors helped me, I want to do the same for the next generation of youth.”
“Even though God has clearly shown me He has my back and is opening doors in ways unimaginable to me, my call has also had its test of faith. However, every time I start doubting or trying to back down, God always gives me that extra push I need. In my hard days, God has given me reminders that He is leading, whether that be by a nice gesture from a friend or school staff, a discussion in class or hearing God speak to me during my devotional time. This is only the beginning of my call, and it hasn’t been easy, but what has made it possible is knowing that God is leading and protecting me.”
“Changing schools in high school was the best spiritual journey I have ever had. It felt like a renewal in my life. I decided to get rebaptized and I truly understood what I was doing this time. My Bible teachers motivated me to love God in the way that works best for me. Through their example, I decided to become a Bible teacher.”
Our funding partnership with WWU needs additional donors to assist 45 students who are currently enrolled and preparing for ministry. Your involvement will not only strengthen the future of a young adult, but also positively impact both NPUC and WWU.
Donate through your local church via AdventistGiving, under Conference/Union enter the amount you’d like to give next to NPUC NextGen Scholarship. Example of AdventistGiving Donation Location