

Boardsmanship & Governance: No Surprises


One of the best pieces of advice to new board members and administrators of an organization is to avoid surprises. An organization and its leaders should mitigate surprises by being timely and transparent if they're going to work together effectively.Advance preparation can minimize negative surprises. Being familiar with the institution's risk factors, paying attention, preparing [...]

Boardsmanship & Governance: No Surprises2024-03-11T08:00:00-07:00

Board Membership 101: The Basics


As boards and committees reconvene and new members join throughout the year, it's important to understand the basic responsibilities of a board member.Maybe you agreed to join the board because you felt some obligation to the nominating committee — or person — that asked you to do it, or perhaps you thought it would be [...]

Board Membership 101: The Basics2024-03-01T08:00:00-08:00

2024 Northwest Camp Meetings


Experience the transformative power of faith and community at a Northwest camp meeting this year. Join fellow believers for a memorable time filled with inspiring sermons, uplifting music, outdoor fresh air and meaningful connections. Encounter God's presence amidst the community and leave refreshed, renewed and ready to impact the world for Christ. Discover the incredible [...]

2024 Northwest Camp Meetings2024-02-18T08:00:00-08:00

Venden to Keynote Washington Conference Camp Meeting 2024


Following last year’s triumphant in-person return of Washington Conference Camp Meeting, Lee Venden, All About Jesus revivalist, pastor, author and beloved storyteller, will carry the torch as keynote speaker at this year’s annual all-conference gathering June 17–22, 2024 at Auburn Adventist Academy. For six Spirit-filled days, attendees will experience “Greater Things” in prayer, worship, mission, [...]

Venden to Keynote Washington Conference Camp Meeting 20242024-02-14T16:00:00-08:00

Northwest Leaders Preview Alive In Jesus Curriculum


Forty-five conference-level children’s ministry leaders and presenters from six Pacific Northwest conferences were among the first to explore and experience the training for the new Alive in Jesus Bible curriculum for children.The orientation marks the initial phase of training in preparation for the 2025 launch of the babies and beginners age-division curriculum.“Alive in Jesus is [...]

Northwest Leaders Preview Alive In Jesus Curriculum2024-02-13T10:00:00-08:00

UCC Challenges All Members to Spend 2024 In the Word


Have you ever wanted to read through the entire Bible? Many set this goal to read through the Bible at least once in their life; others set out to do it as a New Year’s resolution.During the 2022 Vision Summit, Upper Columbia Conference added an initiative to its Serve One More strategic plan for UCC [...]

UCC Challenges All Members to Spend 2024 In the Word2024-02-08T09:00:00-08:00

Prayer Breakfast Unites Granger Church Family


The Granger Church prayer committee desired to foster a greater sense of community, gratitude and spiritual connection within their church family and decided to host an International Day of Prayer program. Marcie Duim and Allyson Williams, prayer leaders, orchestrated a thoughtful sequence of prayer, scripture readings and a devotional story for the Nov. 12, 2023 [...]

Prayer Breakfast Unites Granger Church Family2024-02-07T09:00:00-08:00

Lummi Church Company Celebrates 40 Years


When I was 7 years old, we started attending a small church on the Lummi Nation reservation in Whatcom County. We drove 55 minutes each Saturday morning to attend the church that was recently built on my mom’s reservation. My parents, Brian and Nina Cladoosby, were both committed to breaking cycles of generational trauma to [...]

Lummi Church Company Celebrates 40 Years2024-02-05T09:00:00-08:00

A Gathering of Community and Creativity


Connection is vitally important in our fragmented world and Adventist women in Anchorage found a creative way to gather in fellowship, prayer and creativity. On Oct. 29, 2023, 23 women and their guests from Anchorage-area Adventist churches convened at the Alaska Conference boardroom for a Sunday brunch. The event was spearheaded by Susan Low, Anchorage [...]

A Gathering of Community and Creativity2024-01-31T09:00:00-08:00

Understanding the Black and White Divide in the Adventist Church


After the American Civil War, some Adventists refocused their energy from the abolition of slavery to the Southern work, which, in part, meant ministering to the now-free Black population. Although the church did not initially have a cohesive strategy for the Southern work, there were soon many Black Adventists. The first ordained Black Adventist pastor [...]

Understanding the Black and White Divide in the Adventist Church2024-01-27T13:00:00-08:00
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