

Reenergizing Evangelism Growth: Finding a Roadmap for Growing Small Conferences


The Pacific Northwest has a unique ministry partnership between large and small conferences. The large conferences — Oregon, Upper Columbia and Washington — each give a half percent of their annual tithe to help Idaho, Montana and Alaska Conferences. The concept of “larger helping smaller” is present throughout the entire church organizational structure. For example, [...]

Reenergizing Evangelism Growth: Finding a Roadmap for Growing Small Conferences2023-08-30T10:00:00-07:00

Hope Rally Revives Relationships


After a three-year delay due to the pandemic, Hope Rally finally opened at Emerald City Community Church. Hope Rally offers an intentional relationship-building evangelism outreach for an urban Seattle audience. The church specifically engaged their audience by offering gospel concerts with award-winning artists, spending time as a church family in prayer and preparing to offer [...]

Hope Rally Revives Relationships2023-08-24T08:00:00-07:00

Struggling Young Man Finds Church Family at Seattle Hispanic


God is Almighty and He calls His sons and daughters in diverse ways. Henry Maldonado, a young man born into a Christian home, always loved and feared the Almighty; however, his life led him into a career which offered success, but distracted him from God. Though still aware of God's love, Maldonado wandered onto dark paths and [...]

Struggling Young Man Finds Church Family at Seattle Hispanic2023-08-23T08:00:00-07:00

Oregon Conference Administration Transition Initiates Wave of Change


In May 2023, Randy Hill, Oregon Conference assistant to the president, announced his election as Pacific Union Conference vice president for youth. This appointment comes after Hill's 18 years of ministry in Oregon as pastor, associate director for youth ministries and assistant to the president. Hill is beloved in Oregon for his deep care for people, [...]

Oregon Conference Administration Transition Initiates Wave of Change2023-08-22T08:00:00-07:00

Adventists Join Maui Wildfire Response


Seventh-day Adventists are joining frontline disaster response activities to assist residents after the devastating wildfires in Lahaina, Maui. “The situation in Hawaii is still developing and the disaster response community is still very much in response mode,” reported W. Derrick Lea, North American Division Adventist Community Services executive director in an Aug. 14 memo. “This effort [...]

Adventists Join Maui Wildfire Response2023-08-14T21:47:00-07:00

Long-time Treasury Employee Retires


After working for Idaho Conference for over 33 years, Jeannie Leno retired on July 1, 2023. She began working at Cloverdale Church and Boise Valley Adventist School as a secretary before joining the Idaho Conference office staff as payroll specialist in 1997. In December 2006, Leno was promoted to assistant treasurer, and in July 2010, [...]

Long-time Treasury Employee Retires2023-08-14T08:00:00-07:00

With Christ Nothing Is Impossible


A recently published study suggests “a decline in religious practice” leads to an increase in “deaths of despair.” Deaths of despair are defined as deaths from “suicide and alcohol or drug abuse.” The increase is particularly noticed among middle-aged Americans, both male and female. The relationship between the increased decline in religious participation — not necessarily a [...]

With Christ Nothing Is Impossible2023-08-11T08:00:00-07:00

Gladstone Camp Meeting Celebrates ‘In Community’


Long before the tents were standing, the pronto pups were frying or the iconic green benches were set up on the lawn, volunteers and staff were hard at work putting this year's Gladstone Camp Meeting theme, In Community, into action. One of the early decisions made this year was to increase collaboration between the Spanish and [...]

Gladstone Camp Meeting Celebrates ‘In Community’2023-08-08T08:00:00-07:00

Upper Columbia Conference Camp Meeting Focuses on ‘Serve One More’


The first in-person camp meeting in Upper Columbia Conference since 2019 reunited many old friends and families and provided the opportunity to make new friends. The theme of the camp meeting — held on the campus of Upper Columbia Academy in Spangle, Washington — was Serve One More. “For many of us, it was our [...]

Upper Columbia Conference Camp Meeting Focuses on ‘Serve One More’2023-08-07T08:00:00-07:00

Montana Conference Camp Meeting Centers on Learning, Sharing and Giving


The beautiful campus of Mount Ellis Academy in Bozeman, Montana, became the spiritual epicenter of inspiration and fellowship during Montana Conference Camp Meeting in July 2023. Speaker Derek Morris, Hope Channel International president, led the way, urging attendees to pray for more laborers in the harvest as they explored various workshops and testimonies, fostering growth [...]

Montana Conference Camp Meeting Centers on Learning, Sharing and Giving2023-08-06T08:00:00-07:00
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