

News from https://nwadventists.com

AAA Forges New International Academic Agreement


Auburn Adventist Academy is advancing its academic and linguistic development through a new partnership with Montemorelos University and its high school, Escuela Preparatoria Igancio Carrillo Franco, located in Montemorelos, Mexico.This agreement marks a significant milestone for both institutions, with AAA solidifying its sixth academic partnership with an international country, while ICF embarks on its inaugural [...]

AAA Forges New International Academic Agreement2024-06-21T10:30:00-07:00

Spokane’s Shine 104.9 Welcomes New Chaplain


Spokane’s Shine 104.9 (KEEH) welcomes Tyler Kern as its new chaplain. Kern is a fifth-generation Adventist who grew up in the Midwest. After experiencing a lot of heartache early on in his life, Kern worked to overcome his life challenges and made it his mission to share God’s word and minister to the community.“We’re excited [...]

Spokane’s Shine 104.9 Welcomes New Chaplain2024-06-20T15:30:00-07:00

NAD Young Adult LIFE Tour Comes to the PNW


Who are your people? What is good news to them? Where do my people need me to show up for them? These are the questions that attendees were challenged to answer at the North American Division Young Adult LIFE Tour's latest stop at Pleasant Valley Adventist Church in Happy Valley, Oregon, April 19–20, 2024. Young [...]

NAD Young Adult LIFE Tour Comes to the PNW2024-06-20T10:30:00-07:00

Stories That Shape Us


Healthcare is more than prescriptions, procedures and treatment plans. It’s more than hospitals, clinics, cancer centers, pharmacies and labs. Great healthcare is a team effort. It’s people — everyone from physicians and nurses to chaplains and housekeepers — putting patients first and working together to inspire health, wholeness and hope. Adventist Health celebrates the skills [...]

Stories That Shape Us2024-06-18T15:30:00-07:00

Oregon Camp Meeting 2024 Suspended


As conference administration and executive committee continue to work diligently under God’s leadership to restore Oregon Conference to sound financial footing, several difficult decisions continue to be considered. A guiding principle is that no significantly costly expenses — no matter how longstanding and beloved — can be completely off limits as the leadership team conducts [...]

Oregon Camp Meeting 2024 Suspended2024-06-17T14:30:00-07:00

Election Year


"Put not your trust in princes" (Psalm 146).This year, Americans will go through another presidential election cycle; as a pastor and a citizen, I am apprehensive.I am worried because political seasons seem to commodify fear and spark division. I am exhausted from endless debates that never seem to settle anything.Nonetheless, I am hopeful that, this [...]

Election Year2024-06-15T10:30:00-07:00

Bellingham Spanish Church Burns Mortgage


In an atmosphere of great joy full of gratitude and praise, the hard-working community of Bellingham Spanish Adventist Church celebrated a significant milestone: the acquisition and full payment of their church building. The building has served for nearly 20 years as a refuge for hundreds of families and will continue to be a place of [...]

Bellingham Spanish Church Burns Mortgage2024-06-14T15:30:00-07:00

Davis Announces Departure from Oregon Conference


In late March 2024, Eric Davis, Oregon Conference vice president for finance, announced his departure. In his time with the administrative team, his leadership has been invaluable in identifying the need for significant financial adjustments and helping the conference begin navigating the path toward stabilization. It will take some time to fully achieve the goal, but many [...]

Davis Announces Departure from Oregon Conference2024-06-14T10:30:00-07:00

Camp MiVoden Hosts UCC Outdoor School


Oobleck, egg drops, potato launchers, chemical reactions, explosions, electrocuting pickles, welding lessons, high ropes course, building and cooking over a fire, new songs, new friends and new experiences — sounds like too much fun to be school! Those were just a few of the experiences that fifth- and sixth-graders were able to have when they attended [...]

Camp MiVoden Hosts UCC Outdoor School2024-06-13T15:30:00-07:00

Oregon Conference Hosts First Creators Lab


The first Creators Lab was held March 22–24, 2024 and brought together podcasters, YouTubers, social media content creators, writers and other digital creatives of faith from the Pacific Northwest and beyond. Over the past decade, the online world has rapidly become an embedded aspect of our culture, bringing with it a flood of new ways to [...]

Oregon Conference Hosts First Creators Lab2024-06-13T10:30:00-07:00
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