

Help Is on the Way


Nestled in the heart of the Olympic Peninsula’s rugged coastline lies a community so remote the U.S. Postal Service hasn’t delivered mail here since 1934.  Despite its secluded location, Queets, Washington, is home to roughly 300 Native Americans who are members of the Quinault Indian Nation. Every Sabbath, a lone Native elder, Conrad Williams, makes [...]

Help Is on the Way2021-03-04T10:43:13-08:00

Adventism 2021


More than ever before the Adventist church needs young people. What will the next decade look like? This article takes a look at the Adventist Church through the eyes of four young people passionate about Jesus and about serving.

Adventism 20212021-03-02T12:18:23-08:00

Millennials Speak Up on Instagram


My oldest son, Zac, was curious to discover why some of his friends have walked away from the Adventist Church. Recently, he posted the following question on Instagram, wondering if anyone would respond. He asked: “If you are still Adventist, why? If you were raised Adventist, but don’t consider yourself Adventist anymore, why?” Here are [...]

Millennials Speak Up on Instagram2021-03-01T09:06:00-08:00

Los millennials hablan en Instagram


El año pasado, nuestro hijo mayor, Zac, tuvo la curiosidad de descubrir por qué algunos de sus amigos se han mantenido adventistas, mientras que otros se han apartado. Por lo tanto, publicó la siguiente pregunta en su Instagram, preguntándose si alguien respondería. Preguntó: "Si aún eres adventista, ¿por qué? Si fuiste criado adventista, pero ya [...]

Los millennials hablan en Instagram2021-03-01T09:05:31-08:00

Helena Shows the Love


The Helena Seventh-day Adventist Church in Helena, Montana, spent this winter focused on spreading love to their neighbors. Freshly baked lemon-cranberry bread was delivered in time for Thanksgiving, and candy canes and a poem about Jesus' birth were hung on neighboring doors near Christmas. Most recently, members distributed handmade cards and GLOW (Giving Light to Our [...]

Helena Shows the Love2021-02-28T09:59:34-08:00

Clark Fork Church Members Make Christmas Mission Trip to Mexico


In late December 2020, despite all the odds of it happening, Clark Fork Seventh-day Adventist Church members James Hunt and Yvonne Eller Hunt took off from Idaho for a two-week mission trip to Mexico. They flew to Cancun and were picked up by a local Adventist bus driver who lent his 30-passenger bus at no [...]

Clark Fork Church Members Make Christmas Mission Trip to Mexico2021-02-27T15:01:51-08:00

Springfield Creates COVID-Safe Kid Connections


COVID-19 meant online church at first and then no children’s Sabbath School classes, even though we could gather at church in limited ways. “How can we get our families and especially our children involved in church?” Lutz Binus, Springfield (Oregon) Church pastor, was wondering. He had an idea: to take Sabbath School to kids. He [...]

Springfield Creates COVID-Safe Kid Connections2021-02-27T09:19:34-08:00

DIY Prayer Jars


Do you enjoy talking with your friends at school or at church? The more you talk with them, the more your friendship grows and the easier it is to think of things to talk about. Talking to God is the same. The more you talk to Him, the easier it is and the more you'll [...]

DIY Prayer Jars2021-02-26T17:04:15-08:00

9 Ways Washington Churches Pivoted in 2020


One year later: How have churches in western Washington pivoted to continue the mission in a pandemic? Washington Conference pastors answered, and nine themes emerged. “We see how 2020 gave churches permission to try something new for one time, for a season or still continuing,” says Craig Carr, Washington Conference vice president for administration. “It’s [...]

9 Ways Washington Churches Pivoted in 20202021-02-26T08:56:05-08:00

Family Worship


I grew up in a home on the Swinomish Reservation, where my mother made family worship a priority. We always bought the latest devotional book for kids from the Adventist Book Center, took turns reading the day’s devotional and prayed together. I realize now, as an adult, how blessed I was to have a stay-at-home [...]

Family Worship2021-02-26T03:30:54-08:00
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