

How to Create an Educational Haven for Students During Pandemic


The sun rose on a new day Oct. 21, 2020, offering an exciting opportunity for up to 12 children who attend Garfield Elementary in Spokane, Washington. Spokane Central Church's after-school team had found a way to support students even during the pandemic. 

How to Create an Educational Haven for Students During Pandemic2020-12-17T10:44:11-08:00

LifeBridge Creates New Smiles Despite Pandemic


As COVID-19 cases continue to rise around the country and community events continue to get canceled, LifeBridge Adventist Group in Tacoma, Washington, found a way to meet a community need. “When I saw that all free dental clinics around Tacoma and Seattle were canceled, I decided to find a way to provide for my community [...]

LifeBridge Creates New Smiles Despite Pandemic2020-12-16T19:29:56-08:00

Thousands Raised for Bozeman Warming Center


For the past 10 years Jim Jenkins, pastor, has encouraged his Bozeman Church congregation to join the October Flying Signs for the Warming Center fundraising event. Each year those who participate experience the blessing of serving others and the camaraderie of working towards a common goal.

Thousands Raised for Bozeman Warming Center2020-12-14T08:51:01-08:00

UCA Students Share Jesus With Peers


For more than four decades, UCA has conducted an annual student week of prayer during which students develop spiritual presentations of their own interest and share them in front of the students and staff. The SWOP speakers are suggested by current students, voted on and selected by the staff. The opportunity is open to all [...]

UCA Students Share Jesus With Peers2020-12-13T14:52:01-08:00

AJA Celebrates Fall Quarter


Gathering around the campfire bundled up in coats, hats and mittens, with hot chocolate warming hands and hearts, the students of Anchorage Junior Academy (AJA) gathered to celebrate the end of the first quarter of school. Moments like these are what brings together a school community. The kids love to sing and choose some of [...]

AJA Celebrates Fall Quarter2020-12-13T09:51:01-08:00

God’s Overflowing Love


Montana's Roundup Seventh-day Adventist Church has few members, but God promises where two or three gather together He will be also (Matt.18:20). This Montana church recently set a goal for supporting the Adventist Development and Relief Agency. It seemed impossible. But every Sabbath each member was reminded of that goal when they saw the ADRA [...]

God’s Overflowing Love2020-12-12T15:10:01-08:00

Russian Ministry Multiplies to Form New Company


Home is where you go to celebrate life's milestones. This is also true for churches. A Russian-speaking ministry began in 1999 in a side room of Auburn City Church. Faithful members kept assembling, and by 2004 the 45–50 members started talking about forming their own church. This gave birth to the Russian-Ukrainian Parousia Church in [...]

Russian Ministry Multiplies to Form New Company2020-12-12T13:54:01-08:00

Pathfinders Raise Hopes From Ashes


Fires ignited all across the Pacific and Inland Northwest on Labor Day 2020. Fueled by high winds and low humidity, they devoured vast areas with incredible speed. While most of those fires burned in Oregon conference territory, several raged in Upper Columbia Conference and destroyed the small towns of Bridgeport and Malden, Washington.

Pathfinders Raise Hopes From Ashes2020-12-11T14:53:01-08:00

4 Ways to Strengthen Your Prayer Life


If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s to be flexible. The sixth annual Idaho Conference Prayer Conference was scheduled to be a limited in-person meeting at Camp Ida-Haven. Over the past five years, attendance has rarely gone above 45. With the current COVID-19 pandemic, planners prepared to accommodate up to 50 people, following safety protocols [...]

4 Ways to Strengthen Your Prayer Life2020-12-11T08:53:01-08:00

Pandemic Drives Unexpected Discoveries


Rachel James, a Portland Adventist Academy senior, has been playing saxophone since fifth grade. Although quitting music this school year would have saved her time and energy to work on her senior project, she knew she would regret that. “Playing in band adds meaning to my life,” says James. “It’s like I’m a part of [...]

Pandemic Drives Unexpected Discoveries2020-12-10T17:43:10-08:00
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