

Young Hispanic Leaders Experience Nordic Christian Culture


In June 2023, a group from Oregon Conference Hispanic Ministries embarked on Next, an educational journey through the Nordic countries of Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. Forty-four people from a total of 14 Hispanic churches participated in the trip. Thirty-nine of the of the 44 were young adults. Next, an initiative created by David Paczka, [...]

Young Hispanic Leaders Experience Nordic Christian Culture2023-08-20T08:00:00-07:00

Upper Columbia Conference Hosts Successful Young Adult Camp Meeting


Many churches across Upper Columbia Conference are noticing their congregations have a hole in attendance in the 20–40 age group. This hole is also seen in many conference events, but especially during camp meeting. To eliminate this vacancy, the conference tasked five pastors — Jason Worf, Stephen Farr, Jake Wilkinson, Howard Tello and Jefferson Ortiz [...]

Upper Columbia Conference Hosts Successful Young Adult Camp Meeting2023-08-18T08:00:00-07:00

Alaska Youth Rally Teaches True Connections


Earlier this year, Alaska Conference held a youth rally in the Anchorage area for the first time in several years. The theme, “Connections,” highlighted how to establish true connections in today’s tech environment of social media and artificial intelligence. Youth from Anchorage, Eagle River, Palmer and Wasilla gathered in Anchorage Junior Academy’s gymnasium for this [...]

Alaska Youth Rally Teaches True Connections2023-08-17T08:00:00-07:00

VBS Unites Generations in Children’s Ministry


The hug was long and heartfelt. It was the last night of Vacation Bible School, and each child had come to the platform to place their paper heart on a cross, inviting Jesus into their lives. Now the goodbyes were underway. Elijah — sweaty from games and lack of air conditioning, mouth crusted with remnants [...]

VBS Unites Generations in Children’s Ministry2023-08-15T08:00:00-07:00

Pathfinders Wrap Up Year with Fair


It's always great to take a step back to reflect on how God has moved in our lives and blessed the ministries to which He has called us. It is equally enjoyable to then step forward and celebrate those blessings and rejoice alongside those who have joined us along the journey, and those who have [...]

Pathfinders Wrap Up Year with Fair2023-08-10T08:00:00-07:00

Camp MiVoden Named Among Top US Summer Camps


While Camp MiVoden is known locally for its engaging summer camp programs and year-round retreats, that recognition became national this year after Newsweek named it among the top summer camps in the United States. But what makes Camp MiVoden different? If you asked around, the universal answer would be: the staff. Camp could not happen [...]

Camp MiVoden Named Among Top US Summer Camps2023-08-01T11:30:00-07:00

Volunteers Lead Youth Upward and Onward


In the back of the auditorium at Washington Conference’s Pathfinder Fair and Camporee, a young girl with her arms wide open ran up to a volunteer Pathfinder leader and wrapped her in a giant hug. The young girl had been part of one Pathfinder club previously and was now in a new club. She joyfully [...]

Volunteers Lead Youth Upward and Onward2023-06-28T10:30:00-07:00

Young Adults Find a Listening Ear at Dinner with Dan Event


On April 8, 2023, Dan Linrud, Oregon Conference president, joined a group of around 60 young adults in Holden Convention Center for the second annual Dinner with Dan event. Hosted by Oregon Young Adult ministries, the night began with worship music and a message from one of our newest pastors, Jose Saint Phard, who began serving [...]

Young Adults Find a Listening Ear at Dinner with Dan Event2023-06-28T10:30:00-07:00
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