

Christ Our Living Hope Camp Meeting Brings Out 1,400


More than 1,400 people attended the 2024 Upper Columbia Conference Camp Meeting, held June 19–22 on the campus of Upper Columbia Academy. The theme was “Christ Our Living Hope,” and Ty Gibson, Light Bearers co-director and Storyline Adventist Church pastor in Eugene, Oregon, was the main speaker.“Gibson kicked off our camp meeting on Wednesday night, [...]

Christ Our Living Hope Camp Meeting Brings Out 1,4002024-08-13T14:30:00-07:00

Five Pastors Ordained in Washington Conference


In a series of services in the spring, five people were newly ordained into pastoral ministry, each bringing unique journeys and experiences to their new roles. Pastors Daniel Bennett, Jordan Stephan, Ruslan Spitsyn, Vidal Mendoza and Abner Campos have answered God’s call to serve their communities and congregations with faith and devotion. Each pastor has [...]

Five Pastors Ordained in Washington Conference2024-08-12T14:30:00-07:00

Like Smoking on a Plane


Did you know that smoking was once acceptable on airplanes? It wasn’t until the 1980s that health advocates convinced Congress to make legislation to ban in-flight smoking.If someone tried to smoke on a plane now, they would be fined and chastised by flight attendants and passengers alike. It wasn’t always this way. In 1971, United [...]

Like Smoking on a Plane2024-08-10T10:30:00-07:00

Gladstone Pavilion Project Breaks Ground


Changes are happening on the Gladstone Park Conference Center grounds. In July, crews arrived to begin the preparations for the new Gladstone Pavilion.In February 2023, the Oregon Conference executive committee voted to move forward with the Gladstone Pavilion, a project that would provide a permanent roof over the main seating area for Gladstone Camp Meeting. [...]

Gladstone Pavilion Project Breaks Ground2024-08-08T10:30:00-07:00

Come, Rest Awhile at Montana Conference Camp Meeting


Camp meeting is a time to unite as one big family to worship God.On Wednesday, July 10, 2024, Mount Ellis Academy's campus came to life as church family members arrived for Montana Conference Camp Meeting. This year's theme was "Come, Rest Awhile," based on the story in the book of Mark when Jesus told His [...]

Come, Rest Awhile at Montana Conference Camp Meeting2024-08-06T10:30:00-07:00

Bethel Church Family Expands


Sabbaths at Bethel Adventist Church, located in Bethel, Alaska, are always lively. Sabbath, May 4, 2024, was no exception. It was the last day of the four-week It is Written Hope for Humanity evangelistic series, hosted by Alaska Conference live in Anchorage and simulcasted to churches around the state. Bethel Church, located 400 miles from Anchorage [...]

Bethel Church Family Expands2024-07-24T15:00:00-07:00

Empower the Church Provides One-On-One Training


Empower the Church stands as a transformative initiative aimed at equipping church leaders with the essential skills, knowledge and tools vital for excelling in their roles and fostering the growth of local churches. Spearheaded by Elida Jerez, Washington Conference health ministries director, this program addresses a crucial need to help leaders identify a ministry they are [...]

Empower the Church Provides One-On-One Training2024-06-24T15:30:00-07:00

The Healing of the Nations


Have you noticed the divide between nations, religious groups, families and political groups? Our world is polarized, filled with fear and anxiety, and broken. Spiritual battles rage around us, unseen by our physical eyes.We need the “eye salve” of the Holy Spirit from Rev. 3:18 to grant us spiritual insight and biblical truth.The Bible reveals [...]

The Healing of the Nations2024-06-22T10:30:00-07:00

NAD Young Adult LIFE Tour Comes to the PNW


Who are your people? What is good news to them? Where do my people need me to show up for them? These are the questions that attendees were challenged to answer at the North American Division Young Adult LIFE Tour's latest stop at Pleasant Valley Adventist Church in Happy Valley, Oregon, April 19–20, 2024. Young [...]

NAD Young Adult LIFE Tour Comes to the PNW2024-06-20T10:30:00-07:00

Oregon Camp Meeting 2024 Suspended


As conference administration and executive committee continue to work diligently under God’s leadership to restore Oregon Conference to sound financial footing, several difficult decisions continue to be considered. A guiding principle is that no significantly costly expenses — no matter how longstanding and beloved — can be completely off limits as the leadership team conducts [...]

Oregon Camp Meeting 2024 Suspended2024-06-17T14:30:00-07:00
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