

Election Year


"Put not your trust in princes" (Psalm 146).This year, Americans will go through another presidential election cycle; as a pastor and a citizen, I am apprehensive.I am worried because political seasons seem to commodify fear and spark division. I am exhausted from endless debates that never seem to settle anything.Nonetheless, I am hopeful that, this [...]

Election Year2024-06-15T10:30:00-07:00

Bellingham Spanish Church Burns Mortgage


In an atmosphere of great joy full of gratitude and praise, the hard-working community of Bellingham Spanish Adventist Church celebrated a significant milestone: the acquisition and full payment of their church building. The building has served for nearly 20 years as a refuge for hundreds of families and will continue to be a place of [...]

Bellingham Spanish Church Burns Mortgage2024-06-14T15:30:00-07:00

Davis Announces Departure from Oregon Conference


In late March 2024, Eric Davis, Oregon Conference vice president for finance, announced his departure. In his time with the administrative team, his leadership has been invaluable in identifying the need for significant financial adjustments and helping the conference begin navigating the path toward stabilization. It will take some time to fully achieve the goal, but many [...]

Davis Announces Departure from Oregon Conference2024-06-14T10:30:00-07:00

Attitude Counts


The feeding of the 5,000 is considered by some as the greatest miracle Jesus performed. All four gospel writers tell the story. The disciples had just returned from their first student mission trip and were eager to tell Jesus what they had seen and done. They were looking forward to a quiet time of relaxation [...]

Attitude Counts2024-06-06T10:30:00-07:00

Escrito Está Celebrates 30th Anniversary


Escrito Está, the Spanish-language ministry of It Is Written, marks 30 years of ministry this year. Created to reach the Spanish-speaking world, Escrito Está filmed its first program on April 5, 1994 with Milton Peverini as host. Peverini, who for many years had been a leader in media evangelism, worked with It Is Written to produce Spanish programs and [...]

Escrito Está Celebrates 30th Anniversary2024-05-29T15:30:00-07:00

UCC Invites Young Adults to Start a Conversation


In April 2024, young adults from around Upper Columbia Conference gathered at Walla Walla Eastgate Adventist Church for the second annual Let’s Start a Conversation. This event, hosted by David Jamieson, UCC president, and Jeff Wines, UCC youth and young adult director, allows young adults to mingle, eat together and discuss tough conversations. This year the [...]

UCC Invites Young Adults to Start a Conversation2024-05-29T14:30:00-07:00

Linrud Resigns from Oregon Conference Presidency


Dan Linrud, Oregon Conference president, after much prayer, initiated an executive committee meeting in which he offered his resignation on Thursday, May 23, 2024. This action was accepted by the Oregon Conference Executive Committee.The resignation is effective immediately and will initiate a four-month sabbatical for Linrud. Following his sabbatical, Linrud will be eligible to seek [...]

Linrud Resigns from Oregon Conference Presidency2024-05-23T21:51:44-07:00

NPUC Meeting Highlights Leadership Transitions


North Pacific Union’s executive committee meeting on May 8, 2024 represented a significant time of leadership transitions with the welcoming of a new vice president, a farewell for a retiring vice president and a prayer of blessing for the upcoming presidential transitions at Walla Walla University.Peter Simpson was welcomed as NPUC’s new vice president for [...]

NPUC Meeting Highlights Leadership Transitions2024-05-23T09:30:00-07:00

Mission Blessings Highlight Washington Constituency Session


Washington Conference’s 61st constituency session on May 5, 2024 served as a day of reflecting on God’s blessings from the last five years and fittingly began with 280 delegates singing “Great is Thy Faithfulness.”Constituency sessions are important times for church representatives to gather. They're a time to listen to ministry reports, observe trends, ask good [...]

Mission Blessings Highlight Washington Constituency Session2024-05-22T10:30:00-07:00

Alaska Conference 19th Consistency Session Announced


ALASKA CONFERENCE LEGAL NOTICE 19TH REGULAR CONSTITUENCY SESSIONNotice is hereby given that the 19th Regular Constituency Session of the Alaska Conference will be held in the Palmer Church located at 2238 Inner Springer Loop, Palmer, Alaska, on Sept. 22, 2024 at 8:30 a.m.The purpose of the constituency session is to receive reports of conference activities [...]

Alaska Conference 19th Consistency Session Announced2024-05-09T11:30:00-07:00
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